Who I am

Peter Grauting Brandt

I bring structure and order to chaos

I’m a building technician specialized in architectural technology and construction management – for now, mostly in my heart and through practical experience. Therefore, I’m currently working on adding the educational background needed to work as the important coordinating link at the Danish construction sites. Bringing control and quality to the chaos at construction sites is my passion, where the high number of stakeholders and elements require structure and order. I love to see a project run smoothly and succeed as well as taking part in creating something for the greater good – that’s what makes working as a building technician my calling in life. This passion originates from my childhood with self-employed parents, who both brought me along to visit properties and construction sites.

This interest in construction and the creation of something big slowly started back then and has since grown and proved to be the right path for me. This interest in construction and the creation of something big slowly started back then and has since grown and proved to be the right path for me. Coming this way led me past the flooring business, the military, leading my own company, working in management and completing a professional bachelor’s degree in Design of Business – all of which are important parts of my life that made me the competent, responsible and resourceful person, I am today.

My great understanding of all elements of construction projects – from practical and technical tasks to aesthetic and economical aspects – thus makes me a very versatile profile.

Peter G Brandt portræt 16

Curious to know more about what kind of person I am? Check out my private website to learn more about my interests and gain insight into my life with travels, hobbies and family life.